Professor Sabeur MSOLLI
Name: Dr. Sabeur MSOLLI
4 Rue de la Fontenotte
57070 Metz
Phone: +33 7 88 99 95 09
Biographical Information
2015–present Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, ENSAM ParisTech Metz, France
2011-2012 Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National School of Engineering of Tarbes (ENIT) Tarbes, France
2008-2011 Graduate Teaching Assistant , Department of Mechanical Engineering, National School of Engineering of Tarbes (ENIT) Tarbes, France
Academic Experience
CNRS Research and development Agent: LEM3, Lorraine University, FRANCE 2014 – 2015
Implementation of a tangent additive Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme in the finite element code Abaqus.
Prediction of the martensite transformation of AISI304L stainless steel using the evolution law of the martensite volume fraction
Study of the effect of the loading speed (tension and forming) on the temperature and the volume fraction of martensite.
Study of the effect of the bath temperature on the stress-strain responses and the martensite volume fraction.
Study of the effect of the friction coefficient on the drawing force and the martensite volume fraction.
Study of the effect of the punch displacement amplitude on the martensite volume fraction.
Study of the effect of the driving force contribution on the martensite volume fraction.
Study of the effect of the effect of the material parameters (martensite yield stress, the rate of formation of shear-bands) on the martensite volume fraction.
Effect of the isotropization of the tangent stiffness modulus for the reference medium used to evaluate the tangent polarization tensor present in the interaction law.
CNRS Research and development Agent LEM3, Lorraine University, FRANCE 2013 – 2014
Performing Marciniak and Nakazima deep drawing tests on AA1050-O planar and embossed sheets. Various sheet thicknesses are used.
Performing forming tests for the determination of Forming Limit Diagram of AA1050-O. Strain measurements are carried out using digital image correlation.
Implementation of a large strain elastoplastic constitutive model with combined kinematic/isotropic hardening and coupled to ductile damage. A Hill’s yield criterion is adopted for the consideration of the material anisotropy.
Finite element simulations of the forming tests in Abaqus/Explicit using the implemented model.
Prediction of failure using the ductile damage model.
Comparison of the numerical results with the experimental FLC curves.
CNRS Research and development EngineerLASMIS, University of Technology of Troyes, FRANCE 2012 – 2013
Performing tensile and hydraulic bulge tests on AA1050-O planar and embossed sheets in various orientations with respect to the rolling direction. Various sheet thicknesses are used. Strain measurements are carried out using digital image correlation.
Performing hydraulic bulge tests on AA1050-O planar and embossed sheets.
Identification of the material parameters of a large strain elastoplastic constitutive model with combined kinematic/isotropic hardening and coupled to ductile damage. A Hill’s yield criterion is adopted for the consideration of the material anisotropy.
Determination of the surface shape of the embossed sheets using a tridimensional measurements machine (TMM).
Drawing of the embossed profile using CAD software (CATIA) using the points coordinates determined experimentally by TMM.
Finite element simulations of the tensile and hydraulic bulge tests using the implemented elastoplastic model.
Prediction of the mechanical behavior and failure of planar and embossed AA1050-O sheets.
Research Interests
Materials behavior in electronic applications
Finite element modeling
Numerical simulation
Plasticity and damage of materials
Sheet metal forming
Materials behavior in electronic applications
Behavior laws coding and implementing
Lee H.S., Shin J.K., Msolli S., Kim H.S. (2017). Dynamic equivalent stiffness for rubber bushing on suspension system using finite element method and empirical model. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design.
Ramesh S., Karuppasamy K., Msolli S. , Kim H.S., Kim H.S, and Kim J.H. (2017). Nanocrystalline structured of NiO/MnO2@Nitrogen-doped Graphene oxide hybrid nanocomposite for high performance supercapacitor. New Journal of Chemistry
Msolli S., Baazaoui A., Alexis J., Kim H.S. (2017). Identification of damage and fracture modes in power electronic packaging from experimental micro-shear tests and finite element modeling. Engineering Fracture Mechanics.
Ramesh S., Kim H. S, Msolli S., Rengaraj A.K., Huh Y.S. and Kim J.H. (2017). Rod like Structure of Cotton Cellulose / Polyvinyl alcohol / Tellurium dioxide (TeO2) hybrid nanocomposite and antimicrobial properties. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering.
Ramesh S., Sivasamy A., Msolli S. , Kim H. S and Kim J.H. (2017). High-performance of N-Doped MWCNT/GO/Cellulose hybrid composite for supercapacitor electrode. RSC Advances.
Msolli S. Alexis J., Kim H.S. (2017). Mechanical behavior and adhesion of Ti/Cr/Au metallization scheme on diamond substrate. Advanced Engineering Materials. ISSN 1527-2648.
Msolli S. , Bao C., Labergere C., Martiny M., Robin G., Jrad M., François M., Choquart F. (2016). Submitted. Journal of Materials Processing Technology.
Msolli S. , Alexis J., Kim H.S, Dalverny O., Karama M. (2016). Assessment of potential ohmic contacts on diamond using nanoindentation and nanoscratching tests. Thin Solid Films.
Msolli S. , BenBettaieb M., Abed-Meraim F. (2016). Combined effect of damage and plastic anisotropy on the ductility limit of thin metal sheets. Procedia Structural Integrity. Vol 2, 3554-3562.
Msolli S. , BenBettaieb M., Abed-Meraim F. (2016). Modeling of void coalescence initiation and its impact on the prediction of material failure. AIP Publishing.
Msolli S. , Martiny M., Pessanha Moreira L., Mercier S., Molinari A. (2016). Numerical modeling of the deformation of AISI 304L using tangent additive Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme: Application to sheet metal forming. Journal of Materials Processing Technology (2.26). Vol 235, 187–205
Msolli S. , Badreddine H., Labergere C., Martiny M., Robin G., Jrad M., Saanouni K., F. Choquart. (2015). Experimental characterization and numerical prediction of ductile damage in forming of AA1050-O sheets. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (2.06).Vol 99, 262-273.
Msolli S. , Dalverny O., Alexis J., Karama M. (2015). Experimental characterization of two solder alloys for high temperature power electronics applications. Microelectronics Reliability (1.47), Vol 55, 164–171.
Msolli S. (2014). Thermoelastoviscoplastic modeling of RAFM steel JLF-1 using tensile and low Cycle Fatigue experiments. Journal of Nuclear Materials (2.02), Vol 451, 336–345.
Koné S., Schneider H., Isoird K., Thion F., Achard J., Issaoui R., Msolli S. , Alexis J. (2012). An assessment of contact metallization for high power and high temperature diamond Schottky devices. Diamond and Related Materials (1.92), Vol 27–28,23-28.
Msolli S. , Dalverny O., Alexis J., Karama M. (2012). Experimental and mechanical characterizations of a lead free solder alloy for electronic devices. Advanced Materials Research. ISBN: 978-3-03785-329-0, 423(4), 210-218.
Msolli S. , Dalverny O., Alexis J., Karama M. (2012). Effects of the unified viscoplastic formulation and temperature terms on the thermomechanical behavior of soldering materials. Key Engineering Materials (0.19). ISSN:1013-9826, 498(2).
Msolli S. , Dalverny O., Alexis J., Karama M. (2011). Implicit integration scheme for porous viscoplastic potential-based constitutive equations. Procedia Engineering, Vol 10, 1544-1549.
Civrac G., Msolli S. , Dalverny O., Alexis J., Schneider H. (2010). Electrical and mechanical characterisation of Si/Al ohmic contacts on diamond. Electronics Letters (1.1), 46(11), 791-793.
Msolli S. , BenBettaieb M., Abed-Meraim F. (2016). Combined effect of damage and plastic anisotropy on the ductility limit of thin metal sheets. European Conference on Fracture ECF 2016, Catagna, Italy.
Msolli S. , BenBettaieb M., Abed-Meraim F. (2016). Modeling of void coalescence initiation and its impact on the prediction of material failure. Conference on Material Forming ESAFORM 2016, Nantes, France.
Msolli S. , Badreddine H., Labergere C., Martiny M., Robin G., Jrad M., Saanouni K., F. Choquart. (2015). Sheet metal forming for AA1050-O: Experimental investigation and FEM modeling. European Solid Mechanics Conference ESMC 2015, Madrid, Spain.
Msolli S. , Martiny M., Pessanha Moreira L., Mercier S., Molinari A. (2015). FEM modeling of the sheet metal forming for 304L stainless steel based on an additive tangent Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme. European Solid Mechanics Conference ESMC 2015, Madrid, Spain.
Msolli S. , Labergere C., Badreddine H., Saanouni K. (2013). Experimental characterization and comparison of plane and corrugated aluminum sheets. International Conference on Computational Plasticity COMPLAS 2013, Barcelona, Spain.
Msolli S. , Baazaoui A., Dalverny O., Alexis J, Karama M. (2012). Viscoplastic behavior of diamond die attach subjected to high temperature conditions. International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multiphysics Simulation and Experiments in Micro-Electronics and Micro-Systems EUROSIME2012, Lisboa, Portugal.
Msolli S. , Dalverny O., Alexis J., Karama M. (2011). Implicit integration scheme for porous viscoplastic potential-based constitutive equations. International Conference on Mechanical behavior of Materials, ICM2011, Milan, Italy.
Msolli S. , Dalverny O., Alexis J., Karama M. (2010). Mechanical Characterization of an Au-Ge Solder Alloy for High Temperature Electronic Devices. International Conference on Integration of Power Electronics Systems, CIPS2010, Nuremberg, deutschland.
Msolli S. , Dalverny O., Alexis J., Karama M. (2010). Survey of viscoplastic constitutive models for electronic power modules under high temperature conditions. International Symposium on Aircraft Materials, ACMA2010, Marrakech, Marocco.
Msolli S. , Zèanh A., Dalverny O., Karama M. (2010). Efficiency and robustness of some behavior laws in the description of viscoplastic deformation and degradation of solder materials. International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multiphysics Simulation and Experiments in Micro-Electronics and Micro-Systems, EUROSIME2010, Bordeaux, France.
Msolli S. , Hassine T., BelHadj Salah H. (2009). Integration of a Chaboche’s viscoplastic model using an embedded Runge-Kutta method. International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials ICSAAM2009, Tarbes, France.
Msolli S. , Hassine T., Belhadj Salah H. (2007). Modeling and lifetime prediction at high temperature: Creep – fatigue interaction in structures. Conference on Mechanical Systems and Materials CMSM2007, Monastir, Tunisia.
Msolli S. , Hassine T., Belhadj Salah H. (2006). Integration and implementation of unified viscoplastic models in the FE Code ABAQUS. International conference on Advanced Mechanical Engineering and Materials, ICAMEM2006, Hammamet, Tunisia.
Labergere C., Badreddine H., Msolli S. , Saanouni K., Martiny M., Choquart F. (2011). Modélisation et simulation numérique de l’emboutissage de tôles gaufrées. congrés français de mécanique CFM2015, Lyon, France.
Msolli S. , Dalverny O., Alexis J., Karama M. (2011). Implémentation d’une loi de comportement basée sur un potentiel viscoplastique et couplé à l’endommagement poreux : application à un alliage d’électronique de puissance. congrés français de mécanique CFM2011, Besançon, France.
Msolli S. , Hassine T., Belhadj Salah H. (2008). Isothermal low cycle fatigue modeling of a new RAFM steel. Congrés Tunisien de Mécanique, COTUME2008, Hammamet, Tunisia.