Smart Material & Design Lab.
Department of Mechanical, Robotics and Energy Engineering, Dongguk UniversityProfessor More +
Heung Soo Kim, Ph.D.
Director of BK21 AIMS Center
Director of DGU Global Smart Factory Center
Department of Mechanical, Robotics and Energy Engineering
Dongguk University 30 Pildong-ro 1 Gil, Jung-gu, Seoul, 04620, Korea
Office: +82-2-2260-8577
Fax: +82-2-2260-9379
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3단계 산업혁신인재성장지원(해외연계)사업 선정 -- 3년간 28억원 수주
한국복합재료학회 [Computational Mechanics Award] 김흥수 교수님 수상
한국전산구조공학회 [신진연구우수발표상] Salman Kalid 연구교수 수상
한국전산구조공학회 [신진연구우수발표상] 송진우 연구교수 수상
한국전산구조공학회 [우수논문상] Muhammad Umar Elahi 수상
대한기계학회 [JMST Best Paper Award] 황현호 수상
자율지능기계시스템 미래인재양성 사업팀 [Best Paper Award] 천유빈 수상
2024가을 대학원 학위수여식 [Best Poster Award] Sohail 수상
멀티스케일역학회 [Best Poster Award] 천유빈 수상
대한기계학회 [Best Presentation Award] 천유빈 수상
스마트팩토리 글로벌인재양성 사업단 [Best Research Award] 김도훈 수상
자율지능기계시스템 미래인재양성 사업팀 [Best Paper Award] 김도훈 수상
한국전산구조공학회 [우수논문발표상] Mohad Tanveer 수상
한국PHM학회 [우수포스터상] Muhammad Umar Elahi 수상
한국PHM학회 [우수포스터상] Muhamad Muzammil 수상
대한기계학회 CAE 및 응용역학부문 [우수논문상] 김도훈 수상
대한기계학회 CAE 및 응용역학부문 [우수논문상] 이혜원 수상
자율지능기계시스템 미래인재양성 사업팀 [Best Paper Award] Sohail 수상
대한기계학회 [Best Presentation Award] Muzammil 수상
한국멀티스케일역학회 [우수포스터상] Muzammil 수상
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Recent Journal paper More +
Ramesh S., Swamy K., Vikraman D., Yadav H., Kim H.S., Kim J.H. and Kim H.S., “Structural and electrochemical properties of NiCo2S4@Nitrogen-doped graphene oxide /carboxy methyl cellulose interface composite for supercapacitor electrode materials,” Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 55, November 25, 2022, 105728, pp. 1-9,
Sohail M., Park J.H., Kim J.Y., Kim H.S. and lee J., “Modified Whiteside’s line based transepicondylar axis for imageless total knee arthroplasty,” Mathematics, Vol. 10, No. 19, October 7, 2022, pp. 1-17,
Izaz R., Lee H., Noh Y.R., Youn B.D., and Kim H.S., “Prognostic health management of the robotic strain wave gear reducer based on the variable speed of operation: a data-driven via deep learning approach,” Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 5, October 1, 2022, pp. 1775-1788,
Ramesh S., Yadav H.M., Bathula C., Palem R.R., Sivasamy A., Kathalingam A., Kim H.S. and Kim H.S., “V2O5 nano sheets assembled on nitrogen doped multiwalled carbon nanotubes/carboxy methyl cellulose composite for two-electrode configuration of supercapacitor applications,” Ceramics International, Vol. 48, No. 19, October 1, 2022, pp. 29247-29256,
Ramesh S., Karuppasamy K., Vikraman D., Yadav H.M., Kim H.S., Sivasamy A. and Kim H.S., “Fabrication of NiCo2S4 accumulated on metal organic framework nanostructured with multiwalled carbon nanotubes composite material for supercapacitor application,” Ceramics International, Vol. 48, No. 19, October 1, 2022, pp. 29102-29110,
Kakani V., Ramesh S., Yadav H.M., Bathula C., Basivi P.K., Palem R.R., Kim H.S., Pasupuletti V.R., Lee H., and Kim H., “Hydrothermal synthesis of CuO@MnO2 on nitrogen-doped multiwalled carbon nanotube composite electrodes for supercapacitor applications,” Scientific Reports, Vol. 12, September 20, 2022, 12951, pp. 1-10,
Asif K. and Kim H.S., “An Overview of Delamination Localization in Laminated Composites,” Multiscale Science and Engineering, Vol. 4, September 7, 2022, pp. 102-110,
Salman K. and Kim H.S., “Recent studies on Stress function-based approaches for the free edge stress analysis of smart composite laminates: A brief review,” Multiscale Science and Engineering, Vol. 4, July 7, 2022, pp. 73-78,
Izaz R., Asif K., Salman K., Sohail M., Muzammil M. and Kim H.S., “Sensor-based prognostic health management of advanced driver assistance system for autonomous vehicles: A recent survey,” Mathematics, Vol. 10, No. 18, September 6, 2022, pp. 1-19,
Asif K., Izaz R., Noh Y.R., Lee D., Sohn J.W. and Kim H.S., “Autonomous Assessment of Delamination in Laminated Composites using Deep Learning and Data Augmentation,” Composite Structures, Vol. 290, June 15, 2022, 115502, pp. 1-18,